Endoscopic Ultrasound Guided Biopsy Of A Mediastinal Mass
Aasim Yusuf, Shahid Raza Khalid,
Qasim Ahmed* and Zia S Faruqui**.
of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of
Internal Medicine, *Department of Pathology and **Department of Radiology,
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) now has an established role
in the diagnosis, staging and management of cancers of the oesophagus,
stomach, pancreato-biliary system and rectum.
Recently, a role for EUS in the staging of lung cancers has been proposed.
Linear EUS allows fine needle aspiration (FNA), core biopsies and therapeutic manoeuvres such as coeliac plexus
block to be performed. We present here the first reported EUS-guided biopsy
EUS is now considered the standard of care for staging of oesophageal, gastric, pancreatic and rectal cancers. The primary advantage of EUS over other forms of imaging, such as CT and MRI, is its unique ability to accurately stage mucosal depth of invasion of tumours. This often upstages lesions extending beyond the serosa, and thus prevents unnecessary surgery.1,2 With the advent of linear EUS, a number of interventions have become possible. Gastroenterologists can now perform EUS-guided FNA and core biopsies of lymph nodes and other masses in the mediastinum and abdomen.3 Accessible liver metastases can also be biopsied through the oesophageal or gastric wall. Indeterminate pancreatic tumours, submucosal tumours and large gastric folds mimicking gastric varices or otherwise causing diagnostic confusion, can all be biopsied using linear EUS. Other therapeutic manoeuvres, such as EUS-guided coeliac plexus block4,5 and transgastric endoscopic pseudocyst drainage6,7, are also possible. Current modalities available to obtain tissue from mediastinal masses include CT-guided FNA or core biopsy, mediastinoscopy, video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) and EUS-FNA. Recently, transbronchial needle biopsy of mediastinal nodes has also been described.8 Each procedure has its own risks and benefits. EUS-FNA is safe, well-tolerated and avoids exposure to radiation and anaesthesia associated with other methods.
A 54-year-old male smoker with
COPD presented with a six month history of increasing hoarseness and a productive
cough. A chest radiograph revealed a mediastinal mass
with left hilar lymphadenopathy.
Following the procedure, the patient was observed for one hour to exclude immediate complications, before being allowed home. Based on the EUS-FNA findings, the patient was deemed inoperable and was referred for palliative radiation therapy.
In linear echoendosonography, the ultrasound beam travels in a plane parallel to the shaft of the endoscope, allowing tracking of instruments extending from the working channel of the endoscope, so that EUS-guided FNA and core biopsies of lymph nodes and other masses in the mediastinum and abdomen3 can be performed. Liver metastases, pancreatic tumours, submucosal tumours and large gastric folds mimicking gastric varices can all be biopsied. EUS-guided coeliac plexus block4,5 and transgastric pancreatic pseudocyst drainage6,7, are also possible. EUS- guided FNA is very safe9, with only occasional infectious complications being reported. Apart from the initial costs of equipment and training, consumable costs are low and a re-usable FNA needle is available.
EUS provides the most accurate assessment available for the staging of oesophageal cancer. It has been shown to be superior to CT in this respect1 as well as for staging of gastric carcinoma.10 EUS-guided FNA of mediastinal masses is now a standard procedure in many countries.9 Several studies support the use of EUS-guided FNA for diagnosing pancreatic masses.11-16
Figure-1: FNA showing small clusters of atypical
epithelial cells, with cellular crowding and nuclear overlapping, high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio and hyperchromatic
nuclei, with occasional small nucleoli. The cytoplasm is pale to clear. The
cytological features are consistent with non-small cell lung cancer.
EUS-guided aspiration of mediastinal masses is a safe and well-tolerated procedure.
This case serves to highlight the need for expanding facilities in selected
hospitals to allow physicians to train in and perform such advanced techniques.
Cancer is an increasingly common diagnosis in
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16. Faigel DO, Ginsberg GG, Bentz JS,
Address For
Dr Aasim Yusuf, Consultant Gastroenterologist, Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital,
7-A Block R-3, MA Johar Town, Township PO Box 13014,