Journal of Ayub Medical College (JAMC)

ISSN 1025-9589 (Print), ISSN 1819-2718 (Online)

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JAMC 20(2): Apr-Jun 2008



Black seed, Nigella Sativa, deserves more attention                                                             1

Mohammad Akram Randhawa


Level of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in Saudi patients with chronic stable coronary artery disease                                                                                                                            3

Syed Shahid Habib

Prevalence of cardiomyopathy in Duchenne and Becker�s muscular dystrophy                   7

Ambreen Sultan, Mohammad Fayaz

Clinical outcome in measles patients hospitalized with complications                                  14

Anis-ur-Rehman, Tahir Saeed Siddiqui, Muhammad Idris

Onset of chilblains in relation with weather conditions                                                          17

Naeem Raza, Mansoor ud Din Sajid, Majid Suhail, Haroon-ur-Rashid

Efficacy of Cervicothoracic Sympathectomy versus conservative management

in patients suffering from Incapacitating Raynaud�s syndrome after Frost Bite                 21

Mohammad Iqbal Khan, Mohammad Tariq, Ahmed Rehman, Afsheeen Zafar, Salman Najam Sheen

Oral and intraperitoneal LD50 of thymoquinone, an active principle of Nigella Sativa,

in mice and rats                                                                                                                        25

Amein Al-Ali, Abdul Aziz Alkhawajah, Mohammad Akram Randhawa, Nisar Ahmed Shaikh

Evaluation of restoration of sensitivities of resistant staphylococcus aureus

isolates by using cefuroxime and clavulanic acid in combination                                          28

Abdul Jalil, Iftikharud Din Niazi, Saadat Ullah Khan

Evaluation of cervical cerclage for sonographically incompetent cervix in

at high risk patients                                                                                                                 31

Shamshad, Yasmin Mustajab, Muhammad Jehanzaib

Awareness among Barbers about health hazards associated with their profession             35

Mohammad Salim Wazir, Shahid Mehmood, Ashfaq Ahmed, Huma Rana Jadoon

Comparative analysis of disease activity in patients of chronic Hepatitis B virus,

with and without super-infection with Hepatitis D virus; an experience at

tertiary care centre                                                                                                                  39

Kirpal Das, Hassan Ali, Tariq Mahmood, SM Munir, Tabinda Ahmed, Muhammad Umar Farooq

Extrapulmonary tuberculosis in Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar, NWFP, Pakistan: survey of biopsy results                                                                                                          43

Shafi Ullah, Syed Humayun Shah, Aziz-ur-Rehman, Arshad Kamal, Norin Begum, Ghaazaan Khan

Risk to household contacts of tuberculous patients based on mantoux test

and antibody titre                                                                                                                     47

Aziz N, Hasan S, Munir M, Tayyab M, Chaudrhy NA

Frequency of dyslipidaemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients of Hazara Division      51

Nasir Ahmed, Jahangir Khan, Tahir Saeed Siddiqui

An audit of the quality of care indicators for the management of diabetes

in family practice clinics in Karachi, Pakistan                                                                        55

Raheem H. Dhanani, Mohammad Mustafa Qureshi, Ali Khan Khuwaja, Badar Sabir Ali, Riaz Qureshi

Maternal morbidity and mortality due to primary PPH�experience at

Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad                                                                                      59

Humaira Naz, Iram Sarwar, Anisa Fawad, Aziz Un Nisa

Compliance to antihypertensive drugs, salt restriction, exercise and control of systemic hypertension in hypertensive patients at Abbottabad                                                           66

Nazir Ahmed, Muhammad Abdul Khaliq, Syed Humayun Shah, Waqas Anwar

Association and pattern of diastolic dysfunction in patients of metabolic syndrome           70

Abdul Rashid Khan, Muhammad Qaisar Khan

Surgical experience with cardiac myxomas                                                                            76

Muhammad Aamir Khan, Asif Ali Khan, Muhammad Waseem

Early Vascular complications of Intraaortic balloon ounterpulsation in patients

undergoing open heart surgery                                                                                               80

Waseem Riaz, Ahmad Shahbaz, Waqas Sami, Jawad Sajid Khan

Comparison of closed and open methods of pneumoperitonium in laparoscopic Cholecystectomy                                                                                                                     85

Muhammad Akbar, Ishtiaq Ali Khan, Danish Naveed, Irfanuddin Khattak, Arshad Zafar,

Muhammad Salim Wazir, Asif Nawaz Khan, Zia-ur-Rehman

Carcinoma of prostate in clinically benign enlarged gland                                                    90

Ishtiaq Ali Khan, Muhammad Nasir, Muhammad Akbar, Irfan-ud-Din Khattak, Asif Nawaz Khan,

Attaullah Jan, Sadia Asif, Zia-ur-Rehman

Aspiration and tetracycline sclerotherapy of primary vaginal hydrocoele of testis

in adults                                                                                                                                    93

Johar Ali, Waqas Anwar,  Mohammad Akbar, Syed Ali Akbar, Arshad Zafar

Mortality in necrotizing fasciitis                                                                                             96

Akram Rajput, Waseem, Abdul Samad, Tariq Wahab Khanzada, Gul Muhammad Shaikh,

Ghulam Asghar Channa

Mushroom poisoning in children: clinical presentation and outcome                                   99

Mohammad Ali Jan, Tahir Saeed Siddiqui, Nasir Ahmed, Israr Ul Haq, Ziaullah Khan

Morbidity & mortality of firearm injury in Peshawar region                                               102

Mian Mujahid Shah, Usman Ali, Fasseh-uz-Zaman, Delawar Khan, Nighat Seema, Adil Jan,

Mumtaz Ahmad, Muhammad Arif

Vascular endothelial growth factor and basic fibroblast growth factor expression

positively correlates with angiogenesis and peritumoural brain oedema in astrocytoma  105

Farhan Fateh Jang, Wang Wei, Wang Mao De

Morphological changes in human placenta of wet snuff users                                            110

Muhammad Ashfaq, Muhammad Aslam Channa, Masud Akhtar Malik, Delawar Khan

Gender differences on Bioavailabity of Ofloxacin                                                               114

Zulfiqar-ul-Hassan, Sualeha Riffat, Rahat Naseer

A new and novel treatment of opioid dependence, Nigella Sativa 500 mg.                        118

Sibghatullah Sangi, Shahida P. Ahmed, Muhammad Aslam Channa, Muhammad Ashfaq,

Shah Murad Mastoi

Secret to successful vesico-vaginal fistula repair�an experience of urogenital fistula surgeries and outcome at gynaecological surgical camp-2005                                            125

Nasreen Jatoi, Nek Mohammad, Fouzia Shaikh, Pushpa Sirichand


Branch retinal vein occlusion                                                                                                128

Sadaf Hamid, Sajid Ali Mirza, Ishrat Shokh


Mesenteric Volvulus in children: Two autopsy cases and review of the literature           133

Nursel T�rkmen, B�lent Eren, Recep Fedakar, Mehtap Bulut

Small bowel perforations due to deliberate ingestion of injurious foreign bodies

A personal experience                                                                                                           136

Arshad M. Malik

Combined urethrolithotomy with vesicolithotomy in an 18 months old boy                        138

Badar Murtaza, Naser Ali Khan, Asif Nadeem, Saira Saeed

Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of parotid presenting as unilocular cyst                                141

Syed Asad Ali, Abdul Sattar Memeon, Noshad A. Shaik, Abdul Ghani Soomro

N-Butyl-2-Cyanoacrylate and Lipoidol Pulmonary embolism (Glue embolism)                 143

Asim Javed, Amjad Salamat

Special Communication

Data analysis workshops to enhance analytical skills among Health Professionals:

An experience of conducting workshop with Hands-on training on SPSS                          146

Muhammad Faisal Rahim, Ammar Zaman Khan, Arif Mehmood, Ali Yawar Alam, Omer M. Skeikh,

M. Kaleem Quadri


Bing H. Tang                                                                                                                              148

Jahangir A Khan                                                                                                                         149

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